Hand at sunset holding visioning sphere

Visioning Class with Lesley Gianetti, RScP and Karen Frost, RScP

Weekly from until
  • April 17th – May 22nd, 2025
  • 6 Weeks
  • Every Thursday from 6:00 – 9:00 pm
  • Online Zoom

Visioning is a unique spiritual practice used in our CSL churches. It’s not the same thing at all as visualization! Bring heaven more fully into your earthly experience through this organic process of guidance, transformation and manifestation. Discover direction and clarity for your life with this transformational spiritual practice.

In this 6-week Visioning class with Lesley Gianetti, RScP and Karen Frost, RScP you will:

  • Anchor in unconditional love
  • Tap into Universal Mind
  • Activate deep listening
  • Catch Spirit’s highest vision for your life
  • Receive guidance to focus your spiritual work
  • Increase your spiritual awareness

Together we’ll explore what it means to “catch Spirit’s Vision” and what to do with it once you have.

Type: Certificated class

Prerequistes: Foundations or Beyond Limits

Tuition: $210 or special pricing of $180 with a non-refundable $50 deposit or payment in full received by (balance of tuition must be paid in full by class 2).



Guided Meditation Service

Monthly from until

Sometimes called guided imagery, with guided meditation you form mental images of places or situations that support relaxation and receptivity. You will use a variety of senses like sights, sounds and textures. Guided meditations are the easiest ones to participate in, since the only thing one needs to do is listen and follow the prompts given by the leader. Open your intuitive and creative awareness to let the meditation bring you insights you might not have discovered in another way.

To attend, please click this link at 7:15 pm to join Zoom meeting:


OR Open your Zoom app to its Home page and click JOIN. Enter this info when requested: Meeting ID: 840 2390 2214   Passcode: fR33dM!

Annual GGCSL Membership Meeting


Be sure to put this date on your calendar, and plan to attend in person or on Zoom!

Every year GGCSL meets to elect new Leadership Council representatives and to update the members and congregants about the state of the church. We will share a provided late lunch immediately following the Sunday Celebration. Afterward the meeting will be held in the same location as the service: Corte Madera Community Center. Members must sign in to indicate their attendance and intention to stay for the duration of the meeting, voting on candidates and any adoption of member required changes to policy or bylaws.

All are welcome to attend, but only members may vote. If you’re interested in being considered to serve on the Leadership Council, please speak to Rev. Judith Fleenor.

For those attending on Zoom, join us here online at 11:45 am:


Outreach Team

SF-Marin Food Bank


Volunteering at the Marin Food Bank is a fun opportunity to connect with other GGCSLers, meet other volunteers and give back to our greater Marin community.

Please contact Ellen Nicosia no later than March 4th if you’d like to participate. To sign up text Ellen at 415.720.0225 or email her at ellennicosia@gmail.com.

Wild Flowers

Wildflower Spring Hikes


The first in a series of upcoming Spring hikes in Marin County is planned for Monday, March 10th at 10 am.

Meet at the end of San Andreas Drive (538-598 San Andreas Drive) in Novato. Just a few blocks past The Bay Club, is the entrance to Mt. Burdell with ample parking, especially during the week. This hike is pretty flat with minimal up and down and soil that will probably be moist or wet. Hiking shoes/boots arerecommended.

Here is a link to Mt Burdell Preserve, the largest open space in Novato:


The second hike is scheduled for Monday, April 7 at 10 a.m. with a destination to be determined.

Sign up at the Activities table. Questions? Please contact Deborah Erwin at 415-497-5951 or Steve Einhaus at 415-238-8767. Text messages are preferable, please include your name.

Hand at sunset holding visioning sphere

Experience Visioning

Monthly from until

Visioning is a powerful meditation practice developed by Rev. Dr. Michael Beckwith of the Agapé International Spiritual Center and adopted by Centers for Spiritual Living. The meditation is designed to open our minds and hearts to receive the guidance and vision of Spirit. All are welcome, and no previous Visioning experience is necessary. This is a guided meditation. Participants will need paper and pen to fully participate in the Zoom meditation.

All are welcome. Click here at 7:15 pm Pacific tomorrow evening to join the Meditation:


Heart shaped music notes

Song Circle with Gary Lynn Floyd


One of our favorite musicians, Gary Lynn Floyd, is coming in person to GGCSL and will be doing our Sunday Celebration music on February 23rd. Following that service we will have a potluck luncheon and then a Song Circle of singing together.

Since the CM Community Center has another booking beginning at 1 pm that Sunday, the potluck and Song Circle will be held at the Sunrise Center just down the street from the Community Center at 645 Tamalpais Drive, Corte Madera, CA 94925.

Sign up sheets for the potluck and the Song Circle will go out on the Activity Table the first Sunday in February. Put this event on your calendar now! You won’t want to miss it.

Suggested Love Offering for the Song Circle: $20.

Hand at sunset holding visioning sphere

Experience Visioning

Monthly from until

Open to Spirit’s Vision for your heartfelt goal. The group consciousness of Visioning together strengthens the experience for us all. Wednesday at 7:15-8:30 pm.

Visioning as a spiritual meditation practice was developed and introduced to CSL communities by Rev. Dr. Michael Beckwith. It is different than visualization. With Visioning, our intention is to ask for and open to direct guidance from Spirit for our lives, a project, a relationship, a business, etc. No previous experience is necessary. Bring paper and pen and join us.

Everyone is welcome to join us for this free event on Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84023902214?pwd=R05VNjJTMmJlOWhCS3J2cmFsczZSZz09

Outreach Team

Sacred Service at the SF-Marin Food Bank


Volunteering at the Marin Food Bank is a fun way to connect with others from Golden Gate Center for Spiritual Living (GGCSL) and give back to our greater Marin community. We have a shift coming up on February 11th  from noon to 2 pm.

This commitment is just two hours. Provide Ellen with your name, email and phone number. (The Food Bank requires notification of our team members from Ellen one week before the scheduled service.)

Location: 2550 Kerner Blvd. San Rafael, CA 94901

Please contact Ellen Nicosia to sign up: text her at 415.720.0225 or email at ellennicosia@gmail.com

Meditation Surprise

Monthly from

This month there is a fifth Wednesday, which only occurs quarterly throughout the year. The meditations for these evenings will be chosen by the meditation leader for that week and may be one of the four used regularly each month, or something completely different. It’s a surprise!

Note: Please regularly update your Zoom App for continued connectivity.


We’re not “your usual church.” We’re a welcoming place for anyone wanting to connect with Spirit/Higher Power/Universal Love/Infinite Intelligence without control, dogma, judgment, guilt, or fear.

We celebrate and teach ancient spiritual principles and wisdom, even though the message and music are contemporary and down-to-earth. Relax, enjoy and explore. Chances are you’ll find people here who are a lot like you.

Hand at sunset holding visioning sphere

Visioning Meditation


Special Visioning Meditation Session

Visioning is a powerful meditation practice designed to open our minds and hearts to the guidance of Spirit. Join us on Zoom at 7:15 pm tomorrow evening with paper and pen. All are welcome, and no previous Visioning experience is necessary. Click here at 7:15 pm Pacific tomorrow evening to join the Meditation:


Grow Plant

Foundations of The Science of Mind Class

Weekly from until

Foundations of The Science of Mind Thursday Evenings • 6:00-9:00 pm January 16-March 20, 2025 (10 Weeks)

Plus One Saturday afternoon, February 15, 10:00-1:30 pm

Online via Zoom with Rev. Mary Murray Shelton and Karen Frost, RScP

Foundations is a dynamic introduction to the practice of universal principles that have been taught to initiates throughout the ages in timeless mystical teachings. Ernest Holmes did not claim to have any special revelation or discovery related to these. He simply discovered them through his persistent study and put them to use. Spiritual MindTreatment, our form of prayer, is the only thing unique to Ernest Holmes’ philosophy, but how he put all the principles he had learned to practice together into one clear teaching of Truth makes them very accessible to us for application in our every day lives.

If you enjoy the Sunday Celebration services and Rev. Mary’s talks and have been interested in going deeper, this is the place to start!

Type: Certificated class Prerequisite: None
Tuition: Tuition: $310 or special pricing of $260 with a non-refundable $50 deposit or payment in full received by January 2nd (balance of tuition must be paid in full by class 2).

Textbook: The Science of Mind, by Ernest Holmes
IMPORTANT: Be sure to get the Tarcher, Penguin or Putnam edition of this book or your page numbers will not match the assignments.
Pre-class reading assignment: The Science of Mind, “The Thing Itself,” p. 25-3

Early Bird registration discount will be available.