Steve Einhouse and Deborah Erwin are planning a second Wildflower Hike on Sunday, April 6th at 1:00 at Ring Mountain Preserve in Corte Madera.
Starting at 1:00 p.m. affords everyone time to grab some lunch before meeting up. There will be a sign up sheet on the table. Be sure to write down your phone number.
It is best to carpool as parking isn’t plentiful. If you need a ride to the trailhead please let us know by texting one of us prior to Sunday or by letting us know the day of at Services. We will match you up with someone who has confirmed they are attending. Steve 415-238-8767 or Deborah 415-497-5951.
Ring Mountain in a consistent uphill with some switch backs. Do look forward to beautiful vistas and hopefully many wildflowers. We will hike to a 360 degree view of Marin, so bring your camera. Wear sturdy shoes it could be muddy depending on the weather prior to the date. There are also lots of rocks on the trail. If it’s a sunny day bring sunscreen, a hat and water.
Steve and Deborah look forward to a beautiful hike and great conversations! Bring a friend.
Dogs must be on leash while on Ring Mountain. To learn more check out the link below. This is a very special place and dear to my heart (Deborah).