Events for Sunday May 12 – Sunday April 21 – Golden Gate Center for Spiritual Living Events for Sunday May 12 – Sunday April 21 – Golden Gate Center for Spiritual Living

Event Series Taize Service

Taize Service

Our Taize Service brings in the ancient traditions of Taizé–meditation, chanting  and prayer–and combines these with New Thought, contemporary, and Ancient Wisdom teachings and readings.

Nuts and Bolts of Estate Planning

What do you want to pass on to the next generation? Nuts and Bolts of Estate Planning may help you find out, and offer ways to create that plan.This online Zoom event will take place on Thursday, June 15, 1:00–3:00 pm. Kelly Kilkenny, an estate attorney, will be joining us online with a presentation on estate planning basics, followed by a Q & A session on the topic. Come, and bring your estate questions!  We look forward to seeing you there!

Shoreline Clean-Up

Meet at the Shoreline Target parking lot in San Rafael and bring water in a non-disposable container. Enjoy good weather, time with friends, and making a difference! Garbage bags, gloves and lunch provided.

Leadership Council Meeting

Our Leadership Council (Board) is a group of elected members of GGCSL, plus the minister. They meet monthly to transact the business of the Center: setting policies and procedures, following up on events, classes, and outreach, and reporting on various aspects of Center activities to the whole group. These meetings are open for GGCSL members to observe when approval is given by the President of the Council for attendance or to be placed on the meeting agenda for a given month.

Guided Meditation Service

Sometimes called guided imagery, with guided meditation you form mental images of places or situations that support relaxation and receptivity. You will use a variety of senses like sights, sounds and textures.

Event Series Exploring Roots of the Science of Mind Class

Exploring Roots of the Science of Mind Class

10 Week Class Starting July 11. Exploring Roots of the Science of Mind is a fascinating journey through the minds of deep thinkers who greatly influenced Ernest Holmes, the founder of Religious Science. You’ll deepen your understanding of the spiritual and philosophical foundations of New Thought teachings, and be inspired by the power of these inspired thinkers: Ralph Waldo Emerson, Judge Thomas Troward, and Emma Curtis Hopkins.