Experience Visioning – Golden Gate Center for Spiritual Living Experience Visioning – Golden Gate Center for Spiritual Living

Hand at sunset holding visioning sphere

Experience Visioning

Monthly from until

Open to Spirit’s Vision for your heartfelt goal. The group consciousness of Visioning together strengthens the experience for us all. Wednesday at 7:15-8:30 pm.

Visioning as a spiritual meditation practice was developed and introduced to CSL communities by Rev. Dr. Michael Beckwith. It is different than visualization. With Visioning, our intention is to ask for and open to direct guidance from Spirit for our lives, a project, a relationship, a business, etc. No previous experience is necessary. Bring paper and pen and join us.

Everyone is welcome to join us for this free event on Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84023902214?pwd=R05VNjJTMmJlOWhCS3J2cmFsczZSZz09