You Belong (03/20/22) – Golden Gate Center for Spiritual Living You Belong (03/20/22) – Golden Gate Center for Spiritual Living

What is “community” and what does it mean to “belong” to a community? We used to think of this in terms of a local group with generally shared interests. Perhaps today it would be useful to look at the term “community” broadly as well, and consider all of the world as our community.

At GGCSL, we chose Community as one of our Shared Core Values. We are a spiritual community. How does that word apply to us more specifically? Today we’ll explore what this word means for us at GGCSL, and what it may mean for us locally and globally, too.

The heart-opening singer-songwriter, Gary Lynn Floyd, is our special guest musician this morning, and prayer practitioner Lori Greer, RScP will be praying us into the morning together.