“Where Is the Light?” (05/21/23) – Golden Gate Center for Spiritual Living “Where Is the Light?” (05/21/23) – Golden Gate Center for Spiritual Living

As much as we find car wrecks and train crashes disasters we’re drawn toward, light still draws our attention. If we find ourselves in the dark we seek out the light for help, relief or illumination. It isn’t an intellectual process; it happens automatically. Our attention, in darkness, gravitates toward light. It happens in literal darkness, but it also occurs in personal times of crisis and stress. We seek out help from those whose experience and compassion we trust. Their light encourages us to persevere toward our goals.

Where is the light in your life today? Because of our spiritual nature—the immortal part of our—we are already filled with light. But we can become so distracted by challenges we can’t see it in ourselves. Let’s see if we can discover light, even when we don’t see it around us.