“What Is Freedom of Heart?”(07/14/24) – Golden Gate Center for Spiritual Living “What Is Freedom of Heart?”(07/14/24) – Golden Gate Center for Spiritual Living

Freedom of heart is choosing what to devote ourselves to, whether person, organization, philosophy, politics or social action. The Western world is, at present, mostly blessed with this freedom. But it wasn’t always so. What is granted as legal, or prohibited as illegal evolves and regresses. Time, information, awareness, fear, power shifts and culture all affect this. What seems assumed today may not be ten or one hundred years from now.

Regardless of changing outer freedoms, as we discovered last week, our inner freedom of heart is always our choice. Sometimes making the choice involves risk, either public or personal, and occasionally, both. And making a choice for freedom of heart is always a choice for the highest and best in love. Let’s look at the calling of our hearts today, in love.


Our Heart to Heart Community Care team provides rides to doctor appointments, meals during recovery from surgery, and check-in phone calls or visits when someone is temporarily housebound.

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