Waiting on Hold for the Universe (08/08/21) – Golden Gate Center for Spiritual Living Waiting on Hold for the Universe (08/08/21) – Golden Gate Center for Spiritual Living

Sometimes things do not go as planned. Bet you’ve noticed that, too. How does it go for you when what isn’t going well is also something you’ve really invested yourself in?

Like most people, we feel disappointed–even devastated–when something we’ve hoped for, planned and anticipated falls apart. We may be disbelieving, argumentative, defeated or just plain sad. Or we might be like the Tibetan monks who meticulously create intricate, impermanent sand paintings, and after a few days, sweep them away–the very model of non-attachment.

However we respond in the moment, what comes next can make all the difference.

Let’s explore that a little today. Karen Drucker, our amazing music director provides our musical expression this morning, and Lesley Gianetti, RScP, is today’s prayer practitioner.