How Much Good Can I Welcome? (10/7/20)

Today we begin to look into our responsibility to receive. You might think, “Wait, what, Rev. Mary? Aren’t we supposed to be givers rather than receivers?”

You can’t be just one without the other. Today we’ll explore why that’s so, and why it’s important.

Free at Last! (7/5/20)

Let Freedom Ring–in the midst of the COVID pandemic, political corruption and the groundswell of American commitment to end racism, we have a lot ahead of us to accomplish liberty and justice for all.

In July we’re focusing on freedom and what it means to be free to be ourselves–globally, locally, interpersonally, and within ourselves.

What is it that sets us free individually? How does living spiritually increase freedom for all?

Let’s explore it together.

Every Step You Take – Mindful Action (6/28/20)

June: Mindfulness for Mavericks–”Every Step You Take-Mindful Action” is the final theme for the month.

When we connect mindful intentions with mindful speech and action we can create a powerful shift in ourselves, and ultimately, in the world.

Straight From The Heart: Mindful Speech (6/21/20)

Moving from breath to thought to speech, for Father’s Day Rev. Mary takes us deeply into compassionate communication. Mindful speech, as one of the spiritual practices of the 8-fold path of Buddhism, outlines the optimum ways to speak to each other with loving compassion, and also to ourselves.

What’s Your Plan? Mindful Intentions (6/14/20)

In this June series, Mindfulness for Mavericks, we move now from the energy of breath, into thought with “Mindful Intentions.” Rev. Mary invites us to consider several definitions for intentions and to evaluate our own commitment to ours.

Mary Murray Shelton

Just Breathe (6/7/20)

The breath has been related to Spirit throughout human history in cultures worldwide. Breathing is a spiritual practice in yoga and meditation, and is made conscious through the use of incense and sage and other fragrant herbs. This talk explores how breath links us to life, Spirit, and our own bodies in sacred ways.

Welcome Home

We are a spiritually progressive, radically inclusive, heart-centered community. We offer a variety of ways to grow spiritually and to make a difference in the world. Whoever you are and wherever you are on your path of life, you’re welcome here just as you are. Welcome home.

dogma, control, judgment, intolerance

love, integrity, community, spiritual growth

GGCSL is a community where people are spiritually nourished, encouraged, and can experience connection, meaning and joy. We teach how to experience and livea spiritually nourishing life.

We’re not “your usual church.” We’re a welcoming place for anyone wanting to connect with Spirit/Higher Power/Universal Love/Infinite Intelligence without control, dogma, judgment, guilt, or fear.

We celebrate and teach ancient spiritual principles and wisdom, even though the message and music are contemporary and down-to-earth. Relax, enjoy and explore. Chances are you’ll find people here who are a lot like you.

The Golden Gate Center for Spiritual Living is here to provide spiritual mavericks and seekers with these three things:

  • an atmosphere of loving support, belonging, and radical inclusion, 
  • the means to learn and apply spiritual tools to heal our lives and the world around us,
  • and a place to remember this Truth about ourselves: we are whole, complete, and perfect, just as we are.

Love–experiencing and expressing unconditional acceptance of ourselves and others
Spiritual Growth–deepening our awareness of and reverence for the sacredness of all of Creation
Community–mutually caring for one another and acting together in love to help create a  world that works for everyone
Integrity–living honestly and authentically from the depths of our souls

We’re a spiritual community that empowers people to live as their authentic selves through radical inclusivity and acceptance–no matter what their history or background is–and to help create a more just, loving world: Many Paths, One Community

GGCSL is a home for all seeking spiritual deepening through inspiration, connection, exploration, and celebration:  Touching Hearts, Opening Minds, and Building Dreams Together