“The Magic of Praise and Gratitude” (11/19/23) – Golden Gate Center for Spiritual Living “The Magic of Praise and Gratitude” (11/19/23) – Golden Gate Center for Spiritual Living

There is something powerful in heartfelt feelings and expressions of gratitude. When we feel or express gratitude with praise for the person, place or organization that we appreciate, the Universe responds in kind toward us. We set the wave in motion and it automatically reflects into our lives, too.

And the added benefit is that gratitude—when it’s genuine—feels really good for both the person expressing it and the person receiving the expression. Gratitude doesn’t have to be reserved for only the miraculous kinds of unexpected grace, but for everything we benefit from every day. Who do you want to acknowledge or thank today?


Our prayer practitioners take turns recording a prayer of help and inspiration each week. This is available to anyone who calls our Inspiration Line 24-hours a day: (415) 553-3804.

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