Tell a New Story Boldly (05/23/21) – Golden Gate Center for Spiritual Living Tell a New Story Boldly (05/23/21) – Golden Gate Center for Spiritual Living

We all have family stories and life experiences that have made such an impression on us we retell them to family and friends. This is the ancient oral tradition of passing on a lineage of history to those who come after us.

An unintentional effect of this tradition is that we cement into our own consciousness whatever impression of ourselves these memories leave with each retelling. A vivid, though unintentional after-image can become a limitation. When we see ourselves in a particular way it prevents us from discovering other qualities and aspects of ourselves that haven’t yet been revealed. In fact, we may be the last ones to realize these exist in us because of our narrow vision of ourselves.

How do we let go of old limiting stories–or limit indulging in them–and begin to tell more current stories of progress, success, achievement or joy? Our default style is to speak about ourselves in a particular way. How hard is it to just stop it? And what would we say instead?