“Seeing Wholeness In the World” (12/17/23) – Golden Gate Center for Spiritual Living “Seeing Wholeness In the World” (12/17/23) – Golden Gate Center for Spiritual Living

I’ll bet you can tell me a lot about what’s going wrong in the world right now. How much do we know about what’s going right? It takes practice, faith, and commitment to see through distressing appearances and find the constant spark of wholeness shining behind them. It can be a challenge, but we have the capacity to do it.

Today we’ll consider some examples of things that are going really right in the world. As we prepare for the major holidays of this month, it’s the perfect season for forgiveness, love, and peace.

COULD YOU USE A BOOST DURING YOUR DAY? Our prayer practitioners take turns recording a prayer of help and inspiration each week. This is available to anyone who calls our Inspiration Line 24-hours a day: (415) 553-3804.

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