“Recognizing Wholeness in Others” (12/10/23) – Golden Gate Center for Spiritual Living “Recognizing Wholeness in Others” (12/10/23) – Golden Gate Center for Spiritual Living

Because we are mirrors for each other, the view isn’t always easy to look on. We’d prefer not to provide reasons to be judged or criticized, yet we seem to be compelled to evaluate others and their behavior. Someone wise said “We compare our insides to other people’s outsides.” We’re judging on limited information. We don’t fully know / understand ourselves, even as we have access to ourselves inside and out. So we’re not really equipped to fully know / understand another person well enough to apply our opinions to their outward expression. How can we shift those perceptions?

How do we begin to consider other ways to see people and respond to them, given this info? Today we’ll spend some time looking for wholeness in places it isn’t always easy to see.


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