Center for Spiritual Living

Practitioner Studies

Year One

This 30-week course is rich, challenging, and comprehensive. It is the beginning of a growth process for those who feel called to go deeper in study and practice toward becoming licensed prayer practitioners. Here you’ll begin to understand how your life “got to be the way it is,” then build on those insights and discoveries to make more conscious, positive life-affirming choices. You’ll practice what you’re learning to live more fully in alignment with Spirit, using spiritual principles that are universal, healing, and absolute.

Throughout the year, you’ll be supported in developing a daily spiritual devotion of prayer, meditation, visioning and other spiritual practices to nurture your sense of oneness with God and with all that is.

Prerequisites: See the Certificated Classes page and note the “Choose” sentence for each section. Successful completion of these classes is necessary to apply for Year One of Practitioner Studies.

Year Two

In this course, you will focus on the consciousness, the skills, and the responsibilities of the professional practitioner. This means that in addition to advancing your own spiritual awareness, you will learn how to support the spiritual growth and transformation of others. You will deepen your engagement with selfless service in our spiritual community and hone your consciousness of being a healing presence. Successful completion of this 30-week course, and of both written and oral exams, culminates in licensing as a professional practitioner (RScP) with Centers for Spiritual Living. 

*Students must have completed Advanced Consciousness Studies, have a history of service in the Golden Gate CSL community, and have had a personal interview with the Community Spiritual Leader and the course teachers to be eligible for Practitioner studies and for licensing.