Happy Easter! At this time of year we find ourselves in the midst of three major world religions holy times of year: Ramadan in Islam, Passover in Judaism, and Easter in Christianity.

One of the key teachings of Jesus he emphasized throughout his life is the healing and freeing power of forgiveness. It’s such a powerful practice that he recommended doing it 70×7 time, or in some translations, 70×77 times. This kind of example essentially meant continuously and ongoingly forgiving.

For most of us there are frequent small moments of frustration when someone doesn’t do things “our way” and we judge them unkindly. This mindset blocks our feeling of connection with Spirit. Forgiveness mends the sense of separation and helps us refocus on what’s really important. But how to forgive…ah, that’s the question! Today we explore ways we might begin to build more forgiveness into our lives and celebrate the freedom our Easter celebration symbolizes