“Outrageous Expressions That Changed the World” (07/21/24) – Golden Gate Center for Spiritual Living “Outrageous Expressions That Changed the World” (07/21/24) – Golden Gate Center for Spiritual Living

We are inspired by those who could not or would not stop themselves from expressing the gifts within them, and their vision. Sometimes these expressions are shocking, troubling, scary or intimidating. Other times they inspire, uplift and move us to action ourselves. Either way, something that had to be expressed was communicated.

How do we respond to breakthroughs that change our world today? Some of us embrace the newness, while others deny or resist it. Looking back, we can usually remember times that were better in some ways and worse in others. There is no ideal that can be fixed in place. Surfing the waves—and sometimes tsunamis—of change can be hard to do. Let’s look today at changes that brought more good into the world, even those that weren’t welcome at the time they came into the world.


Our prayer practitioners take turns recording a prayer of help and inspiration each week. This is available to anyone who calls our Inspiration Line 24-hours a day: (415) 553-3804.

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