Our Inner GPS—Guidance Perception System (08/22/21) – Golden Gate Center for Spiritual Living Our Inner GPS—Guidance Perception System (08/22/21) – Golden Gate Center for Spiritual Living

Everyone has intuition built in to the divine design within them, but not all of us rely on it or even know how to use it or when. There are moments of grace when it happens and we respond automatically with cooperation to the promptings of this inner knowing, and other times we doubt, question or ignore it.

Have you listened at some time in your life when it made a big difference? Or didn’t and later wished you had? Yes, of course you have!

Today we’re exploring that inner guidance system and how we can cultivate more of its gifts in our lives. Let’s see if we can’t tap into that wisdom more effectively going forward!

Karen Drucker, our dear music director is back as our featured artist today, along with Rev. Sarah Hargrave as our morning prayer practitioner.

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