Music Director Wanted – Golden Gate Center for Spiritual Living Music Director Wanted – Golden Gate Center for Spiritual Living

Heart shaped music notes

Music Director Wanted

Over my nearly forty years in ministry, I’ve had some amazing music directors. When musicians have come and gone, I’ve still always had someone partnering with me on music, until now. The difficulty I’ve experienced in finding a music director for GGCSL now is a new experience.

So I’m requesting your help. I’m asking all of you to do these three things:

  1. Envision a wonderful new music director on Sundays at GGCSL, leading songs and providing amazing music in a wide variety of styles.

  2. Post the Music Director Job Description anywhere and everywhere there might be musicians! We never know how Spirit will get our perfect person to us. And also, this action helps create a resonance in consciousness that attracts what matches it. So as we post these, the Universe is on the job.

  3. Pray daily for the right and perfect person for this position: one who loves being at GGCSL and everyone here, and who brings us joy, discovery, and inspiration each week:

God is everywhere, always. There is only One.
This Presence is harmonious, balanced, abundant and uplifting,
and we are inseparable from It.
Because this is True,
we know the Divine knows exactly how
to manifest our perfect music director now.
The Divine is never confused, stumped or delayed.
Spirit knows who this person is already,
and we are becoming a sacred match in consciousness.
We release all doubt, worry, frustration or discouragement
because we know the Creative Law cannot fail.
Anything in consciousness that has, in the past, delayed
this happy demonstration of our good is hereby neutralized and dissolved.
It never had any real power to delay our good.
We open our hearts to welcome this new staff member
into our hearts and home at GGCSL with joy and great gratitude!
So we release this Word now into that Creative Law of Mind and Spirit
which always says “yes,” and we let it be. And so it is.

More information about the music director position, including a .pdf for download and/or sharing,
can be found here.