Men’s Spirit is a group within the GGCSL community who volunteer as needed to support the Center. Activities have included seasonal picnics featuring BBQ and games. We also volunteer with set up, serving, and break down to assist the Events Team.
GGCSL men love to prepare and eat food. We have provided a wonderful brunch for our spiritual community after Sunday service once a quarter. We plan the menus, purchase and prepare the food, serve it, often adding flowers to decorate the tables, and do the entire clean up. After purchasing all the food ourselves, we donate the contributions collected from those who attend the brunches to GGCSL.
Other activities have included monthly drumming circles at the California Alpine Club–which combines meal preparation, camaraderie and drumming instruction. A number of us have also participated with our Outreach Team, preparing a complete meal for about 55 unsheltered men on a rotating basis with other spiritual communities.
Although our physical activities and service opportunities together have been limited due to the pandemic, we continue to work toward common acceptance among us about how to continue to physically meet up safely. Among future possibilities is a well-distanced outdoor drum event. Other future outdoor gatherings might include a hike, a tribe two seating picnic featuring a mini-golf tourney, or a scavenger hike in the park, for example.
For more information about Men’s Spirit and how to connect with us, please contact Steve Einhaus:
Phone: (415) 238-8767