Rev. Mary Murray Shelton with drop shadow

Rev. Mary Murray Shelton

For me, serving as a catalyst for people to connect with the spark that is Spirit never becomes less thrilling. “We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can fly only by embracing one another.” –Luciano de Crescenzo


Sarah Hargrave photo

Rev. Sarah Q. Hargrave

Staff Minister

Rev. Sarah is a powerful, effective life coach and a pioneer in the field of spirituality-in-work. She brings insights and wisdom from her experience as an entrepreneur, former corporate executive and ordained minister. With extensive training in psychology and organizational transformation, she assists individuals and organizations to get out of their own way and achieve the results they desire. She was the first Centers for Spiritual Living minister to be ordained with a nontraditional, special focus ministry, officially expanding our ministry into the world beyond the sanctuary.

(415) 383-1763


M. Louise Mann photo

Rev. M. Louise Mann

Staff Minister

I joined the Golden Gate Center for Spiritual Living in 1984 and ran the bookstore for several years. I became a Practitioner in 1992, graduated from Holmes Institute in 2008 and was ordained in 2012–later than usual because I spent several years taking care of friends preparing to make their transitions.

I’d been a Practitioner with GGCSL less than a year when Rev. Marsha Sutton invited me onto the Leadership Council, eventually becoming VP. I was on the team that did the opening prayer and announcements, and took over Rev. Lani Howard’s position as Team Leader of the Gateway Core that reviewed and approved outside workshops to present to GGCSL members. While in ministerial school I did all my internships with GGCSL so I led or served on all the teams that existed then. After Ministerial School and Ordination I taught Practitioner I with Rev. Karyl and led the Membership Team.

In 28 years as a Practitioner, and now as a Minister, I’ve consistently served on the Prayer Table and the Prayer Tree, and, although I’m now semi-retired, I’m always happy to pray with anyone and plan to continue doing this.
