If we think God is some guy in the sky we’ve limited the Infinite (to say the least).

How do we, at GGCSL, think about this Energy, this Intelligence, this Presence? We emphasize two aspects: Love and Law, and both are essential to the whole.

When we focus on God as a Person we overlook the Law of Creation.

When we think of God as only a Principle, we ignore the amazing personal-ness of the responses that come to us from the Universe.

Today we’ll play with the idea of how the Universe came to be and how our individual lives came to be the way they are. That’s history. The question then is, what’s next? Let’s think together about that!

Today we welcome morning prayer practitioner, Rev. Sarah Hargrave, and guest artist, Amy Steinberg, a Posi Award-Winning singer, songwriter and story-teller, with a voice that can burn the house down!