Living As Light (12/29/24) – Golden Gate Center for Spiritual Living Living As Light (12/29/24) – Golden Gate Center for Spiritual Living

To live as an intentional being of light doesn’t mean we never get it wrong, or forget that intention, or fail to live up to that vision. We’ll do all of that. What is does mean, is that we’ve made a commitment to start again and again to live from a place of encouragement, collaboration and creativity.

Doing this brings us energy and vision. Quitting because we aren’t perfect brings us exhaustion and stuck-ness. Let’s take up our commitment once again today, releasing the past year’s imperfections, and renewing our intention to live as the light we are.


Prayer is the cornerstone of what we do at GGCSL. There are multiple ways to request and receive prayer at GGCSL. If you attend in person on Sunday, you can: put a written request in the box at the Practitioner Table. (Forms are available there.) sign up at that table to have a practitioner phone you to do a short prayer wait at that table until a prayer practitioners on duty comes to do so with you

You can also: request prayer on our website:

leave a prayer request voice mail at our office: 415-721-2492 call our Inspiration Line 24-hours a day to hear a recorded prayer: (415) 553-3804, or make an appointment for a full practitioner session with one of our GGCSL licensed prayer practitioners:

If you choose to do so, here are some ways to donate to support GGCSL: Text-to-donate: 415-779-7613

From PayPal:

From our online giving page:

Thank you for considering us for some of your contributions in the world. We’re deeply grateful!