Leaning into Our Relationship with “Big Sweetie” (07/31/22) – Golden Gate Center for Spiritual Living Leaning into Our Relationship with “Big Sweetie” (07/31/22) – Golden Gate Center for Spiritual Living

Some years ago I met a ministerial colleague from Hawaii, the late Rev. Helen Street. Helen was a powerful presence and a thought-provoking, entertaining speaker. She said she always referred to God as “Big Sweetie.” That comment led me into a whole new way of thinking about the Divine.

If the Infinite Mystery is a generous sweetheart who dotes on and treasures us, why not welcome everything that comes in life as gifts from Big Sweetie? Even things that are difficult or unpleasant offer us opportunities to grow. That growth—or our willingness to grow—can open us to our heart’s desires.

During July we’ve considered our relationships with ourselves, others, our community, the universe, and today, with God, by whatever name you call It.

Joyfully Cricket joins us in person today as our featured musician. Joyfully Cricket is an Inspirational Singer-Songwriter and Certified Spiritual Life Coach from Sebastopol, California. Her purpose and mission is to uplift and empower people to express their own unique gifts and create a harmonious world that works for everyone. You can find out more about her on her website: www.JoyfulPurposeCoaching.com.