I Realize the Truth of My Self as God Made Visible (06/27/21) – Golden Gate Center for Spiritual Living I Realize the Truth of My Self as God Made Visible (06/27/21) – Golden Gate Center for Spiritual Living

We’re honored to welcome our beloved Founding Minister, Rev. Dr. Lloyd Tupper, as our very special guest speaker this morning.

One of Rev. Lloyd’s favorite Science of Mind authors is Raymond Charles Barker. Today’s provocative title comes from Barker’s book, “Richer Living.”

Rev. Lloyd is always a delight as he shares both years of spiritual practice and wisdom along with the occasional story of his earlier ministry and his teachers and friends, the legendary Science of Mind greats, Raymond Charles Barker and Robert Bitzer.

Rev. Lloyd is joined this morning by Francine Huss, RScP, emcee, our dear Music Director, Karen Drucker, and Lori Greer, RScP, morning prayer practitioner.