I Love Myself the Way I Am. . .or Do I? (07/03/22) – Golden Gate Center for Spiritual Living I Love Myself the Way I Am. . .or Do I? (07/03/22) – Golden Gate Center for Spiritual Living

In 1984 Jai Josefs wrote a song called I Love Myself the Way I Am. In a short time it was well-known in Centers for Spiritual Living, and was often used as a congregational song. Healthy self-esteem is a clear prerequisite for success in life.

It’s clear, though, that it’s not enough to just affirm kind self-regard, we need to actively accept ourselves with compassion, patience, forgiveness and a sincere intention to live from our best selves. This way we learn to treat others with the same loving-kindness. Today we’ll explore how to cultivate these qualities from a non-egotistical place.

Our taped music today comes to us from our beloved Karen Drucker, and more is available on her website, karendrucker.com.