Online event

This is an evening of silent meditation, a brief spiritual nugget of wisdom, reports on answered prayer, prayer requests and entering into the shared consciousness of prayer for those requests.

“It is through those open spaces that Spirit speaks to you. It is through the gaps between your thoughts that divine insights and divine inspiration can make their way into the world…a daily practice of meditation helps you become more “open-minded,” so you can be more present and receptive to divine direction all day long. And in the end, that’s what living life in the divine flow is really all about.”
–Steven Lane Taylor, New Thought speaker.

GGCSL is a community where people are spiritually nourished, encouraged, and can experience connection, meaning and joy. We teach how to experience and livea spiritually nourishing life.

We’re not “your usual church.” We’re a welcoming place for anyone wanting to connect with Spirit/Higher Power/Universal Love/Infinite Intelligence without control, dogma, judgment, guilt, or fear.

We celebrate and teach ancient spiritual principles and wisdom, even though the message and music are contemporary and down-to-earth. Relax, enjoy and explore. Chances are you’ll find people here who are a lot like you.

To learn more check out our website at ggcsl.org

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