Foundations of The Science of Mind Class – Golden Gate Center for Spiritual Living Foundations of The Science of Mind Class – Golden Gate Center for Spiritual Living

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Foundations of The Science of Mind Class

Weekly from until

Foundations of The Science of Mind Thursday Evenings • 6:00-9:00 pm January 16-March 20, 2025 (10 Weeks)

Plus One Saturday afternoon, February 15, 10:00-1:30 pm

Online via Zoom with Rev. Mary Murray Shelton and Karen Frost, RScP

Foundations is a dynamic introduction to the practice of universal principles that have been taught to initiates throughout the ages in timeless mystical teachings. Ernest Holmes did not claim to have any special revelation or discovery related to these. He simply discovered them through his persistent study and put them to use. Spiritual MindTreatment, our form of prayer, is the only thing unique to Ernest Holmes’ philosophy, but how he put all the principles he had learned to practice together into one clear teaching of Truth makes them very accessible to us for application in our every day lives.

If you enjoy the Sunday Celebration services and Rev. Mary’s talks and have been interested in going deeper, this is the place to start!

Type: Certificated class Prerequisite: None
Tuition: Tuition: $310 or special pricing of $260 with a non-refundable $50 deposit or payment in full received by January 2nd (balance of tuition must be paid in full by class 2).

Textbook: The Science of Mind, by Ernest Holmes
IMPORTANT: Be sure to get the Tarcher, Penguin or Putnam edition of this book or your page numbers will not match the assignments.
Pre-class reading assignment: The Science of Mind, “The Thing Itself,” p. 25-3

Early Bird registration discount will be available.