Rev. Mary will be teaching a credentialed 10-week SOM class on Zoom, Tuesday evenings from 6-9 pm beginning on July 11th. Registration is open!
Exploring Roots of the Science of Mind is a fascinating journey through the minds of deep thinkers who greatly influenced Ernest Holmes, the founder of Religious Science. You’ll deepen your understanding of the spiritual and philosophical foundations of New Thought teachings, and be inspired by the power of these inspired thinkers: Ralph Waldo Emerson, Judge Thomas Troward, and Emma Curtis Hopkins.
Don’t miss this opportunity for thought-provoking and lively discussions about the foundation of our teachings and that of the entire New Thought movement!
Prerequisite: Foundations or Beyond Limits class
Tuition: $310 (Special pricing of $260 if fully paid or with $50 non-refundable deposit by June 27th)
Texts: The Science of Mind—Ernest Holmes, Emerson’s Essays—Ralph Waldo Emerson,
The Edinburgh Lectures—Thomas Troward, Scientific Christian Mental Practice—Emma Curtis Hopkins