Creating A Legacy That Matters 6/26/22 – Golden Gate Center for Spiritual Living Creating A Legacy That Matters 6/26/22 – Golden Gate Center for Spiritual Living

Did you know that Ernest Holmes, our CSL Founder, is interred in an unmarked niche in a Los Angeles mausoleum? It’s true. He wanted to be sure his final resting place didn’t become some misguided pilgrimage spot. What mattered to him was the Science of Mind teaching and practice. He wasn’t anxious to be remembered, but he was eager to have the philosophy he discovered and put together from perennial wisdom in religion, science and philosophy lived on to be used to make lives better.

When we think about what we’ll be leaving behind us, let’s ask how we can contribute toward making the world a little brighter and better. We can begin now to put these ideas into motion. What would be a legacy that matters?