Over the past eight weeks we’ve walked the Yellow Brick Road together. Each week we’ve considered what we want to let go of to move forward on the life path we wish to be living. And each time we let go of any limitation, new gifts begin to emerge in and around us.

Each of the qualities we’ve shared over this period, we have claimed to build our own Yellow Brick Roads: Hope, Intuition, Compassion, Courage, Community, Faith, Generosity and Harmony. Today we honor the experience of Home in all its best expressions. Each step, each brick, has been leading us toward the Home of our spirits. And though the journey continues as long as we draw breath, it’s important to stop and metabolize what we’ve learned. On this Thanksgiving weekend we’ll look back and appreciate what’s happened in these two months.

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Text-to-donate: 415-779-7613

From PayPal: https://bit.ly/3cxN9QB

From our online giving page: https://ggcsl.breezechms.com/give/online

Thank you for considering us for some of your contributions in the world. We’re deeply grateful!