“Choose the Mystery” (01/26/25) – Golden Gate Center for Spiritual Living “Choose the Mystery” (01/26/25) – Golden Gate Center for Spiritual Living

Prayer is the heart of all we do in the Science of Mind. And because that is true, our founder, Ernest Holmes, looked deeply into prayer itself for clues as to the most effective ways to pray and why prayer seems to work for some and not others.

Today we’ll look into effective, affirmative prayer, what it is, how and why it works, and how to do it.

IS IT TIME FOR A SPIRITUAL RESET? We offer spiritual classes throughout the year that are designed to teach skills for living a happier, healthier, more abundant life. We also offer membership classes periodically in the year. To find out about these and other activities, visit the calendar page on our website and follow links to those that interest you: http://ggcsl.org/events/month/

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Text-to-donate: 415-779-7613

From PayPal: https://bit.ly/3cxN9QB

From our online giving page: https://ggcsl.breezechms.com/give/online

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