It’s always possible to create a better present and a better future. Sometimes immersing ourselves in new learning and new communities begins to soften us to the needed changes and ways of making those. They aren’t changes in other people, as clear as their need for change might be to us. They’re changes in us: in our expectations, habits, behavior and choices. We’re designed to learn, so we can learn to change. It’s uncomfortable because new ways are unfamiliar and require our attention and follow-through on a consistent basis. That’s why a group class or retreat can start us more easily on the path toward that better future.


We offer spiritual classes throughout the year that are designed to teach skills for living a happier, healthier, more abundant life. We also offer membership classes periodically in the year. To find out about these and other activities, visit the calendar page on our website and follow links to those that interest you:

If you choose to do so, here are some ways to donate to support GGCSL:

Text-to-donate: 415-779-7613

From PayPal:

From our online giving page:

Thank you for considering us for some of your contributions in the world. We’re deeply grateful!