“Am I Passionate About My Purpose_ Am I purposeful about My Passion_” (08/06/23) – Golden Gate Center for Spiritual Living “Am I Passionate About My Purpose_ Am I purposeful about My Passion_” (08/06/23) – Golden Gate Center for Spiritual Living

Welcoming Daniel Nahmod! Daniel Nahmod has performed his profound, heart-opening original music for more than a million people since beginning his music career in 1999, selling 110,000 CDs. His music has been recorded and performed all over the world, and has been featured on Saturday Night Live, The Voice, American Idol, The Super Bowl, and the Today Show. GGCSL loves Daniel Nahmod, and we’re so grateful he’s here today in person to speak and sing. Let’s give him a warm GGCSL welcome!

COULD YOU USE A BOOST DURING YOUR DAY? Our prayer practitioners take turns recording a prayer of help and inspiration each week. This is available to anyone who calls our Inspiration Line 24- hours a day: (415) 553-3804.