Center for Spiritual Living

2024-2025 Giving Intention Form


On Sunday, October 1, we kicked off our fall Giving Program for 2024 and 2025. The theme, Follow the Yellow Brick Road, aligns with the Wizard of Oz theme we chose for our 40th Anniversary celebration in April. Each attendee received a journal for the program with inspiring quotes, a place to take notes at Sunday Celebrations, and a couple of pages to journal on the main ideas during the following week. The journal is completed each week as participants receive a small paper “brick” with the talk theme quality for that Sunday on it. Be sure to follow along each week and bring your journal with you on Sundays so we can all follow the yellow brick road toward our desires together.

If you’re on our email list, but not in the area, and attend online, email us for a journal and bricks at: and we’ll mail them to you. The program runs through November and will culminate with our giving commitments for 2024 and 2025.

We are now doing a two-year Giving Intentions program. This will be your annual giving intention for each of the two years. To make your pledge, please use this link:

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